Creative Residencies

  • Creative Residencies for Solo Theatre-Makers responds to feedback from our communities, for support to create work and develop practice. It acknowledges that solo theatre-makers need a supported, collaborative process. Solo performance is a misnomer, it requires whānau.

    Creative Residencies for Solo Theatre-Makers will be delivered by TAHI and sit alongside investment and collaboration from our partners. The residencies will develop practice and explore ideas for new solo theatre work. The model is designed to be flexible to the artist’ process:

    • One residency for Māori creatives in partnership with Taki Rua.

    • One residency for Theatre for Young Audiences, particularly 10-14 years of age, in partnership with PAYPA.

    • One residency for an emerging and innovative artist in partnership with BATS Theatre.

    • The provision of high-quality mentoring that puts hauora at the centre of the creative practice.

    • Collaboration with other practitioners, where desired - designers, technicians, dramaturg etc and across different art forms providing opportunities for innovation and experimentation with form and multi-disciplinary approaches.

    • Opportunities for feedback for the developing work

    • Presentation of the developing work at TAHI Festival.

    • Arts management support - funding and marketing guidance.

    • Marketing support through the provision of videography and photography, documenting development and any presentation of work.

    • Production support for the creative process and any presentation in the form of set, prop and costume materials.

    • The details of the residency, including hours and periods, will be discussed with TAHI, the artist and partners and a Memorandum of Understanding created.

  • Monthly check-ins with TAHI and partners to review the process and ensure that needs are being met.

    • At the three and six month mark, the artist will report back on progress and can present a showing.

    • Two months prior to the September festival, a decision is made on what sort of presentation will happen.

    • Festival presentation at BATS Theatre, or other space on agreement.

    • Digital assets available to all partners for further promotion.